Thursday, June 4, 2015

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How to Earn $10 Per Day Online

Hello Friend's ,

Welcome to my new post here i will teach you that how you can earn $ 10 per day in a very simple manner. As we all want to make some extra cash online by utilizing our spare time but many of my friends don't know about trusted ways of earning money online without any investment to be honest now a days there are many ways to make money online but there are also many scam sites too.

As i started this blog with an aim to share my earning experience online like many others i also dream big but to fulfill our dreams we need to work hard though we can't afford to work too much but still if we dedicate daily 2 hours then our little earnings will be much greater than our expectation in future so friends let's start making money online from today onwards without wasting your precious time.

As i said that i am going to teach you how to make $10 per day online in 2-3 hour work.
$10 X 30 days = $300
This post will be helpful to many of my friends who wants to work little to earn money in their spare time to bare their school or college fees.

Earning $10

Step 1 :- Click Here  and register on Traffic Monsoon

About Traffic Monsoon :-  Traffic Monsoon is a site which is much more better than other ptc site it won't scam you as this site is paying thousands of users on time. The most important thing here is users can earn minimum of $0.20 per day by clicking only 20 ads which takes less than 10 minutes time for clicking ads. I heard that many members of Traffic Monsoon are earning $0.10 per day but let me tell you one thing here that how i am getting $0.20 per day.
If i open my traffic monsoon account in morning and click all 10 ads then i used to get $0.10 and then again after 3-4 hours later i used to recheck my account for ads there i used to get $0.10 ads this way i used to get $0.20 per day.

$0.20 X 30 days = $6 per month.
Minimum Cashout $2
So if you refer others to traffic monsoon then you can earn 100% of referral earnings that means if you refer 5 members then you earnings will be
0.20 X 5 referrals X 30 Days = $30 from your referrals only.

Step 2 :- Click Here confirm your sponsor and register for Libertagia

About Libertagia :- Libertagia is one of the top paying site which pays $3 daily for viewing 20 fixed ads unlike other ptc sites which pay very less for clicking hundreds of ads libertagia pays you $3 daily for five days in a week which is $3 X 5 days = $15 per week.

Users has to complete task of clicking 20 ads daily to earn $3 per day.
Free member can earn $60 per month while if you upgrade then you can even make upto $400 per week for clicking only 7 ads per day.depending on membership upgrade user can earn more.

Monthly income $60 per month as a free member.
Minimum Cashout $300
it takes 5 months for first cashout but if you upgrade for plan then you can even cashout weekly $400.

Note :-  you must need sponsor for joining Libertagia otherwise you can't get registered so click Here to register for Libertagia.
After joining you must have to provide proof of documents within 1 month otherwise your account wiil be suspended.
You must have to complete viewing all 20 ads at a time in order to recieve daily income.

Step 3 :- Click Here to join Paidverts
About Paidvert :- Paidverts is a site from which a free user can minimum of $5-$6 per month by viewing ads.
 For viewing Paid ads user must have to click 16 X 25 BAP Ads in order to recieve paid ads.
a free user will get 16 BAP ads per day untill he or she clicked 100 BAP ads after recieving 100 BAP ads you will get daily 8 BAP ads worth of 25 BAP each.
if user buys $1 Ad Pack then $1 Ad Pack will give you $1.55 Asap!
More BAP points will give you more paid ads you can even get $1 value ads too.

so my dear friends buying ad pack will give you more profit  plus free visitors to your website or referral link.

Minimum monthly income will be $6
Minimum cashout $2

Step 4 :- Click Here to read how you can make $20 -$30 per month from bitcoins.

Step 5 :- Click Here to join Passion Tab
About Passion Tab :- Passion Tab is a site which award you with coins for viewing photos and videos and sharing them on facebook. if you view  and share 500 images or videos each day then you will get 500 coins for viewing 500 videos or images and 500 coins for sharing them on facebook this way you can earn $1 per day as 1000 coin worth is $1

minimum cashout $100.

so friends let calculate your monthly earnings

Note :- All above earnings estimations are without any referrals.
Libertagia :- $60 per month.
Traffic Monsoon :- $6 per month. with 5 referrals your earnings will be $30 per month.
Paidverts :- $6 per month.
Bitcoins :- $30 per month
Passion Tab :- $30 per month
$60+$30+$6+$30 refferal earnings+$6+$30 = $162

so friends here is the simple way to make $150 - $160 from above 4 sites.

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